Heavy metal band даp (Udar) was active from 1987 to 1990 and was based in Brest, Belarus.

When дар first started in 1983, it had no name. In 1985, it adopted the name “делвес” (Edelweiss). дар became the new name for делвес in 1987.
The history of the “Udar” group began in 1983, with a simple VIA, who played evenings of relaxation on the dance floor of the club in the Vulka microdistrict of the city of Brest. It was there that the backbone of the future group was formed, which included musicians:
Robert Burov – bass guitar;
Gennady Lyulkovich – guitar;
Vyacheslav Strizhak – drums
In 1985, they continued their joint work and performances in the club of the Brest Electromechanical Plant. At the same time, the original name of the group appeared – “Edelweiss”. In November 1986, Yuri Kolychev joined the group – guitar, who was destined to play a significant role in the history of the group. From that moment on, they begin to work hard on their own original repertoire.