If you’re a Game of Thrones fan and you’re looking for some Halloween costume inspiration, you’re in luck because there are a ton of GoT characters that you could get dressed up as on October 31.
Daenerys Targaryen
Princess of House Targaryen, Daenerys lives in exile in Essos with her advisors and dragons. Dany rallied the Unsullied of Astapor to her cause and continues to grow the army she needs to take back the throne.
Jaime Lannister
Cersei’s twin brother and the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, it was he who slew the Mad King in violation of his oath to protect the royal family. After Jaime was captured by Catelyn Stark, Brienne of Tarth escorted him back to King’s Landing.
Ayra Stark
The younger of the Stark daughters, Arya has put her survival skills to use as she continues to evade the Lannister forces that seek her. En route to the Twins in search of her mother and brother, she arrived at the castle after the Red Wedding.
Tormund Giantsbane
A legendary wildling leader who supports Mance Rayder, Tormund is a fair and formidable warrior.
Jon Snow
Ned Stark’s bastard son, Jon joined the Night’s Watch. On a mission for Lord Commander Mormont, Jon infiltrated the wildlings by pretending to forsake his Night Watch brothers. In doing so, he fell in love with Ygritte, a wildling woman.
Cersei Lannister and the Sparrows
Queen Regent of the Seven Kingdoms, Cersei is fiercely protective of her three children. Even before she was married to Robert Baratheon, she was involved in a relationship with her twin brother, Jaime.
Tyrion Lannister
What Tyrion lacks in size and strength, he makes up for in mental acuity. Former Hand of the King in his father’s absence, he now serves as Master of Coin on the Small Council.
Grey Worm became one of the main advisors to Daenerys Targaryen after she acquires the Unsullied from the Masters of Astapor.
Girl With No Name, Ayra Stark
The younger of the Stark daughters, Arya has put her survival skills to use as she continues to evade the Lannister forces that seek her. En route to the Twins in search of her mother and brother, she arrived at the castle after the Red Wedding.
Jon Snow & Lyanna Mormont
Ned Stark’s bastard son, Jon joined the Night’s Watch. On a mission for Lord Commander Mormont, Jon infiltrated the wildlings by pretending to forsake his Night Watch brothers. In doing so, he fell in love with Ygritte, a wildling woman.
Lady Lyanna Mormont is the young Lady of Bear Island and thus the head of House Mormont of Bear Island ever since the death of her mother, Maege Mormont.
Petyr Baelish and Brienne of Tarth
Nakedly ambitious, Littlefinger left the Small Council to marry Lysa Arryn and secure the Vale to the Lannister’s side. Beyond his official duties, he is the eyes and ears of King’s Landing along with Varys.
Brienne is a highborn lady who would rather be a knight. As Catelyn Stark’s envoy, she escorted Jaime Lannister back to Kings Landing. The two fighters developed a mutual respect for each other during their journey.
A wildling woman that Jon Snow encountered traveling beyond the Wall, Ygritte is fiercely proud of her free status. Her opinions have clouded Jon’s stance about the Night’s Watch.
Sansa Stark and Ramsay Bolton
The oldest Stark daughter, Sansa has since realized that King’s Landing isn’t the fairy tale she assumed it would be.
A bastard son of Roose Bolton, Ramsay’s bloodlust is even stronger than his father’s. After taking Winterfell, he captured Theon Greyjoy and slowly tortured him into submission.
Unsullied Man
The Unsullied are elite warrior-eunuchs bred and trained in Astapor, one of the three major cities of Slaver’s Bay.
Jorah Mormont
The son of Lord Commander Jeor Mormont, he lives in exile in Essos acting as an advisor to Daenerys Targaryen. Although Jorah originally joined Dany’s company to spy on her, he has since become devoted to her.
The Hound
The Hound was the personal bodyguard to King Joffrey and carried out his commands, no matter how monstrous.
One of Winterfell’s many loyal servants, Hodor is simple-minded and oversized.
Dothraki Warrior
The Dothraki are a race of nomadic horse-mounted warriors in Essos, the continent to the east of Westeros across the Narrow Sea.
White Walkers
The White Walkers are an ancient race of humanoid ice creatures, who come from the Far North of Westeros.
Child of the Forest
The Children of the Forest are a mysterious non-human race who were reportedly the original inhabitants of the continent of Westeros.
Hall of Faces
The “Hall of Faces” houses skinned faces of the dead, and is found in a great hall within the House of Black and White. The Faceless Men use the combination of magic spells and faces of the dead to create their different camouflages.
Formerly a slave in Astapor, Missandei is fluent in the Common Tongue and High Valyrian.